Sunday, December 4, 2011

Women's earnings converging on men's

A study has shown that in the management sector, women earn about 86% of what men earn. Although this is a significant improvement on narrowing the salary gap between men and women since 1900, it is still as equal as expected. Following the high growth rates in the salary of women in the past 40 years as studied in class, the salaries should be expected to be on par with men by this date. But this is not the case...for the management sector at least. However, looking at the lowest 1/5 of earners for both men and women, shows that women are better educated than men. So, even though women earn less in the highest earning industries, overall women seem to earn more than men, especially when it comes to the lower-earning industries as expected by the fairly recent trend in high growth rates of womens' salaries.

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