Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Income mobility is getting lower

Income mobility has been a crucial issue in terms of dealing with income inequality. It redistribute the income of the nation. Poor who believes in hard work climb the ladder to reach a better income level though education. However, recent research showed that, the income inequality has fallen recently. The reason lies between the labor and the government. Some people in the labor force lacks particular skills or abilities to improve their economic condition; on the other hand, the resources that government can provide to improve the ability for the low-class labor is really limited. As a result, the income inequality is lower in the last three decades. Even though more and more low-class labor have been fighting for the income inequality though different kinds of protests. The effort of is indeed not really significant since the report did point out that the income inequality is still rising recently. I expect the wage gap between the low-class and upper-low class will be greater if the income inequality is higher while the income mobility keep falling. Government should really promote more practical policy to lower the income inequality. Otherwise, the increasing poverty may also trigger the crime rate to increase too.

source: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-rags-riches-20111201,0,2886918.story

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