Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The great leap of China

This report mentioned that China is having around 145 million of online shopper and the United States is having 170 million right now. However, according to Boston Consulting Group’s calculation, e-commerce in China could rise from 3.3% of China’s retail sales today to 7.4% in 2015, which the growth rate is a lot more than the United States. Moreover, every Chinese online shopper is spending more and more money through online shopping and would be $1000 per year per person by 2015. This report relates to reversal of fortune. As China is an emerging country, many kinds of businesses are expanding incredibly, such as real estate, luxury, vehicles, etc. People in China are also willing to spend their money, which boosts the amount of consumption. As we know, GDP = C+I+G+NX, since C increases, GDP would increase. Furthermore, due to the financial crisis in these recent years in the United States and Europe, China’s GDP growth rate would definitely have the potential to have a higher number than the United States and Europe.

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