Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Computers Set Apartment Rent

Using similar software that airlines and hotels use to price their tickets and rooms, respectively, landlords all over are investing in technology that determines rent for the month. There have been plenty of positive returns to this implementation, often generating enough revenue to more than pay for the service itself. In addition, the increase in rental prices determined by the software take away the emotional dealings landlords might experience when giving the apartment dwellers the bad news. This isn't technology replacing low-skilled workers...rather, it is replacing the job of skilled workers by the way it masterfully calculates the numbers based on trend and so forth.

Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/30/realestate/commercial/landlords-use-computers-to-arrive-at-the-right-rental-fee.html?_r=1&ref=technology

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